Nov 05, 18 · If you forget to remove your tampon (for example, at the end of your period), it can become compressed at the top of your vagina This can make it difficult for you to feel the tampon or pull it out Don't panic if a tampon gets stuck inside youHi, I just got my period today, went to the bathroom and I can't seem to remember I pull out my tampon or not When I got home and I search for this site regarding tampon stuck and I try some of the idea here and trying to pull it outIts seem like I Can't find the tampon any whereI try and try and all I can feel is my flesh5 Tell Her What You Want After you have gathered your courage, don't be hesitating to tell your mom that you want to use tampons Do it clearly and cleanly, don't beat around the bush "Mom, I've been thinking about it and I think I want to use tampons Don't

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I can't remember if i took my tampon out mumsnet
I can't remember if i took my tampon out mumsnet-Oct 22, 18 · I'm not sure if I took out my tampon before inserting a new one I had a stressful day and I just can't remember I've taken out the one I remember putting in Washed my hands and felt inside for any other but can't find anything read moreNov 22, · Gently insert two fingers into your vagina Sweep your fingers around the inside of your vagina trying to feel towards the top and back of your vagina If you can feel the tampon, grab it between your fingers and pull it out If you can't feel the tampon, you may at least be able to locate the strings

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Mar 16, 11 · If you can't remember if you removed a tampon, take the time to check before you insert another one First, wash your hands with soap and water Check your fingernails to make sure that you don't have sharp nails Then get into the position you would normally be in when you place a tampon in your vagina (sitting on the toilet, squatting down or standing with one foot on theJan 27, 14 · I can't remember taking out my tampon on Saturday evening I've had a "delve" but can't find oneShould I go to the GP to be on the safe s Create an account to join the conversation Have your say, get notified on what matters to you and see fewer ads Register now Join inI took my bedtime Xanax I take 1 mg 3x's a day and before bed mg's of paroxetine I can't remember if I took my paroxetine tonight or not Obviously I'll have to get a pill box But for now, what to do?
Oct 10, 14 · Remember, you have a wad of cotton up inside your hooha!" If you have two wrappers in your pocket, you know you've done something terribly, terribly wrong Tie a tampon around your finger You'll have to buy twice as many tampons, but at least you'll know when you have a tampon inside of you, because there'll be one outside of you, tooThe directions on the box seemed simple enough I took a tampon out of the plastic wrap and went to insert it and well, it didn't work I had heard many women had trouble inserting tampons on the first attempt, so I figured I'd get it after a few tries I took another tampon out of its wrapper and tried again And again Same resultThere is a medical condition that can cause this reaction please Google vaginismus I think this may answer all your questions a little better don't worry and continue to use pads don't force your body to do something it doesn't want to do and don'
Jan 17, 19 · Or perhaps you didn't remember to take it out at the end of your cycle and, over time, it shimmied into a position where you can't reach thePutting a tampon in your vaginaBacteria can easily attach to the object (ie tampon, pleasuredevice etc) and multiply Due to the bacteria the discharge gets an unpleasant smell and could start to look like pus (yellow or browngrey)

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Jun 03, 19 · Take a few deep breaths to relax your muscles Insert a finger or two into your vagina, feeling for the tampon string or the tampon itself Your vagina is 24 inches long, which means you should be able to feel it in there Try to get a grip on it and pull it out This may be a bit tricky, since the tampon will be slippery9 Now if you still feel you can't do this on your own, you can tell your partner to do this for you But your partner must be a person that can't be easily grossed out As this will make it easier to remove a lost tampon Mind you, this is just an option Use Douching Method This method is also very good and can make the removal to be easyThis is most common if you accidentally forgot to take out a tampon before inserting a new one, or if you had sex without remembering to remove your tampon first (it's not a good idea to have sex with a tampon in !) There are still some things you can try that make it

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Ever Forgot You Put A Tampon In These Girls Did It Was Omg
I put a tampon in and i almost passed out Premium Questions hi, this might be a bit embarrassingbut i cant remember if i removed my last tamponi tried to feel around inside my vagina but dont feel anythingso is there anyway my tampon can still be up when View answerJust change your tampon when it needs to be changed based on your flow, not your bladder Learn more about what you can (and can't) do with a tampon MYTH Tampons stretch out your vagina FACT Not a chance Vaginas are stretchy to begin with If a baby can come out of a vagina, a tampon can easily go in without changing anythingThanks again, I can now go to bed knowing that as I can feel my cervix then it probably did fall out but I just didn't notice!

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July 19 The Honest Courtesan
Dec 04, 18 · Once you've established that you have a tampon somewhere resting inside of you, then you have to get it out If you feel comfortable getting up in your own vagina, you can try to "gently sweep itThe vaginal canal isn't the grand canyon, ya knowit wouldn't take a spulunker to find a hiding tampon in there Wash your hands, be careful of your nails, slide a finger in and feel around If you can't feel a trace of string or tampon, you're safeDec 27, 14 · A retained tampon Will eventually likely cause the most foul smelling vaginal odor that you can possibly imagine If you felt all around your vagina and could feel your cervix and around it, then it likely is not there Of course a doctor looking with a

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Apr 10, 10 · Earlier this week, I thought I was going to get my period so I put a tampon in before I left in the morning Then later, around 4 or 5 maybe, I remember thinking "I need to take our that tampon" Then this morning, I went to the bathroom and randomly thought about it, and now i can not rememberJul 31, 18 · In some cases, this might be enough to push the tampon out If you still can't feel anything, take a deep breath and relax your muscles Carefully insert oneOct 06, 17 · Since my tampon meltdown, I've become more aware of when my anxiety is taking over That doesn't make it go away, but does cut down on embarrassing death scares Sometimes a wellmeaning friend will try to soothe me by saying I'm just having anxiety Yes, I

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Jan 04, 06 · Obviously you would be the one to know as stated above, but it is very common for women to forget they had a tampon in or whether or not they have removed it With that in mind, inserting 2 fingers (so you can pull it out if it's in there) into your vagina and feeling around (remember it's like a tunnel about 5 inches long) you should be able to feel whether there is anyDec 05, 18 · In other words, a tampon is not going to swim upstream and get completely lost inside of your body — it's just not physically possible "The tampon is in there," she saysApr 28, 16 · Your vagina is only about 3 to 4 inches long, so it can't go in too far and the tampon includes a string at least that long, so the end of it should be sticking out If you can't remember if you've removed a tampon, lie down or stand with one leg propped on the toilet seat, and reach into your vagina with clean fingers

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Can You Flush A Tampon No But Why Are So Many Still Confused
Lost tampon string/Can't remember if i took it out Hi, i made a throwaway account because im so freaked out/embarrassed, but i just went to take my tampon out and i couldn't find the string I started thinking and now i can't even remember if i put one in after I took the last one outFeb 14, 09 · I'm not really sure if I have actually lost one, I don't usually use them (have my lovely Mooncup), but I did use one a few days ago, and I really can't remember taking it out I've had my mooncup in since, and i was a bit tricky to put in, but I didn't really put 2 and 2 together So I'm just having a bit of a panicMar 13, 13 · I can't remember if I took my tampon out, and now I can't find it I am running a fever of 1013 with body aches, but Answered by a verified Doctor We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website

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Ok first of all a tampon cant get lost it has nowhere to go but because it was one for a light flow it is quite small and if it was inside of you when he penatrated you he should have felt it but you say he was drunk, so he could have pushed it quite far up inside of you so what i would suggest, try putting your finger up ti feel and if you cant feel anything then you might have to go to the doc toJan 13, 12 · Taking out a tampon can be as routine as going to the bathroom — something you might not remember specifically, especially if you've been drinking Try lying down, taking a few deep breaths to relax, and reaching inside your vagina with a clean finger If you can't feel your tampon string, then the chances are pretty good you took it outHow does a forgotten tampon affect my body?

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Sep 21, 16 · Forgetting to change or remove a tampon can be dangerous It doesn't just put you at risk for leaks, you can develop a serious condition known as Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) To learn more about the potential dangers of forgetting or otherwise wearing a tamponOct 04, 11 · I cant seem to use tampons, they dont fit or just wont go in I cant even get them in half way I have tried to finger myself, but even that is too tight and my finger will only go in half way before it really hurts?Wash your hands well Then squat down on the side of the tub and reach all the way up there, try to feel your cervix If you can feel your cervix (feels like a rubbery bump back there), then no tampon is in If you instead feel a tampon back there, feel for the

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If a tampon gets stuck inside you and you can't get it out, go to your GP practice or nearest sexual health clinic Healthcare staff will be able to remove it for you If you can't get to your GP or a sexual health clinic, call NHS 111 for advice Tampon manufacturers advise that a tampon shouldn't be left in for more than 8 hoursAug 27, · Once you feel it, just pull it out Don't dig around for the tampon for more than 10 minutes or so If you can't get it out, don't panic Call your doctor If you feel a string (that somehow got bunched up inside of you), get it under your finger but against the side of your vagina, and slowly pull the tampon outSep 16, 15 · If you realize that you left a tampon in during sex, get it out ASAP However, Wider acknowledges that this might be easier said than done "The biggest danger is that the tampon

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Remember this take a deep breath The first reason is because if you are anxious the muscles in your vagina will tighten up and make it more difficult for you to remove the tampon yourself The second is that you can do this!Start in the position that you would try to remove a tamponFeb 11, 15 · Here are seven tampon related struggles all women should relate to 1 Pooping with a tampon in The worst thing that can happen to a woman is this She puts in a fresh tampon

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Jul 08, 10 · It's not always easy to remember to take your blood pressure medication, but it's vital that you do If you have high blood pressure, orApr 21, 21 · To remove a tampon, sit on the toilet with your legs spread and try to relax as you pull the string at the end of the tampon Once out, wrap the tampon in toilet paper and throw it in the garbage If the string breaks or is lost, insert your pointer finger and feel around until you locate the tamponOct 12, 09 · Now I remember why I don't like using tampons Got really upset earlier and started crying about it to my sister which when you consider I've had a baby, gone through a lot worse etc seems a bit silly!!!

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May 27, · Tampons shouldn't cause any shortterm or longterm pain at any point, but sometimes it happens Remember Practice makes perfect your doctor will be able to help you outMar 23, 21 · Insert your pointer finger in your vagina to find the tampon or its string Try and reach the string slowly Once you find the string or the tampon, insert the second index finger With the help of both, these fingers start rotating the tampon inside the vagina in a circular motion Doing such back and forth circular motion, pull the tampon outJul 23, 19 · I can't remember if I took my dose of paroxetine tonight?

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